
A Probot bot for pushing an empty commit


A GitHub App built with Probot that pushes an empty commit if any user comments something specific.

How it works

If a user comments in a Pull Request something specific, bot will push an empty commit. It is useful if you need to trigger any event in your Continuous Integration service (CircleCI, Travis, Buildkite), like deploying a staging deploy.

You can especify the required files where the bot needs to check before pushing the commit. Also, you can edit all interaction messages.


After installing the app, create .github/probot-empty.yaml in the default branch to enable it:

# user comment to push the comment
magicWords: deploy staging
# files needed
requiredFiles: [.circleci/config.yml, config/scripts/deploy-staging]
  # Message if bot can push a commit
  appEnabled: Hello there, I'll make an empty commit whenever you comment `<%= magicWords %>` in this PR.
  # Message if bot can't push a commit
  appDisabled: Hello there, I will not be able to help you until these file(s) are present -> `<%= files %>`
  # Message if required file(s) is/are not present
  fileNotPresent: I need the following files in order to make an empty commit. `<%= files %>`
  # Message if the comment contains the message but also other characters
  exact: If you want me to make an empty commit just type `<%= magicWords %>`, and nothing else.
  # Bot comment after pushing the empty commit
  trigger: Pushing the empty commit...
  # Commit message
  commit: Empty commit